Shoveling Smoke: Pain

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My wife got out of the hospital two days ago, and seems to be doing fine. They're not sure if it's a kidney stone or a kidney infection, so they told her to drink a lot of water and take some antibiotics. Seems to be working.

In other (pain-related) news, today I was at work and decided to go get a Subway Sandwich. After a few bites, I felt excruciating pain. Bad pain. As in who do I have to kill to make this pain go away. Other bad news: it was Thursday, so I was practically broke. (I am a student, you know.) I drove to where my Mom works, scared her half to death, and she called my Dad, who drove me to the dentist. Regardless of the money issue, I'm pretty sure it was a good thing they drove, because I was losing it. My face had drained of all its color, and the constant pain was spreading across the left side of my face.

I have bruxism, which means I grind my teeth at night. I'm supposed to wear a mouthguard at night, but I get careless. Which wreaks havoc on my teeth. You can bet I won't be making that mistake again.

I got to the dentist, and apparently I need a root canal. So I set up an appointment for Tuesday. In the meantime, the dentist (my new best friend) gave me some Novacaine shots and a prescription for Hydrocodone. Which is also known as Vicodin, like the stuff Dr. House takes. I've only got twelve, so the risk of addiction is almost nil, but I can see why he likes them. What was a brain-shattering pain is now only barely perceptible. I guess that's what opiates will do for you.

Here's hoping that eventually my luck will turn. For now, the pain medication is at least pushing it back.

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